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Вы здесь » Велофорум Херсона » #Туризм » Feldberg near Frankfurt, Germany

Feldberg near Frankfurt, Germany

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I am a Mountainbiking/Cycling enthusiast but not from Kherson and to be honest, before now I never even heard about that City, though I at least visted the Ukraine (Kiev to be exact) once. But on Sunday I met a nice pal of your community, who's on a vacation in Germany. Though walking, he was obviously a cyclist and after a short chat he recomanded this forum, so I ended up here. I want to greet him without making a complete useless post, so I introduce the Taunus Area near Frankfurt and volunteer to give tips on demand.

For now I can`t contribute much, but if anyone ever ends up in Frankfurt, Germany, make sure to rent a bicycle and head to the Taunus mountains. They are not very high (880m, starting in Frankfurt at approximately 110m) but one can have a nice trip, visit some old castles (one ruin is (nearly) always open for free) and meet a lot of other cyclists. Also there is a and free new flow trail soon leading back to the foot of the mountain and in addition, a shorter but more challenging trail somedays with shuttle service (which is not necessary).



Привет, Bernhard:flag:  Приятно, что ты так быстро ответил. Ты встретил нашего друга Anthonу Novyk (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id … riends_tab)
dabass .
Он велосипедист. Антон нам рассказывал, думаю что ему очень хотелось с вами прокатиться и он рад был познакомиться. Да, велосипед он с собой не брал.
У нас небольшой город и велосипедисты очень дружные. Живём в равнинной местности, по этому горы для нас это что-то сказочное  :rolleyes: Горы есть на западе нашей страны.
Можешь посмотреть фото друга, что бы понять где мы живём https://www.instagram.com/angelsstudioua/?hl=ru Там где реки и поля-это наш регион.
Снег ещё не выпал в Херсоне, но мы его очень ждём, ведь впереди Рождественские праздники:)

Вот ваше фото. Это фото совершило путь в Украину и снова к тебе.



Вы тут катаетесь ?  8-)



Hi, Bernhard!
No doubt, someone ever ends up in Frankfurt, Germany. And it's me. ))) Just because my daughter now lives in Frankfurt. I've been there in September. Of course I would like to know more about the cycling routes near Frankfurt. How much time does it take to get to Taunus Area? And which way? Are there any other places of interest nearby Frankfurt?

Отредактировано Богданов (06.12.2017 18:16)



Hello Alenka, thank you for transmitting my greetings. I was delighted to receive your answer and to see the picture of us. I immediately added Антон on Facebook. It is a pity that he is here without his bicycle. There are a lot of Bikeshops renting out high-quality bikes, though they do not come cheap (from a students view). He may try a shop called Hibike in the city of Kronberg. I would join in, but my last cold just abaded before I revived it with the bike-trip in the picture. So I guess I need to rest or I'll risk the whole winter season.

I am kind of impressed by the active and large cycling-community you got here. I guess the majority of Frankfurt's cyclists use theirs for transportation, are constantly stressed and will never understand the deep love one develops to a beautiful bike.

Your area looks inviting for extended trips along the rivers and (guessing from the map) coast. But I would miss the mountains a bit, it's fun to suffer the hard up-hill sections and enjoy the flow-trails going back down. I even think trips in a flat area for the same duration are mentally more challenging than in a mountain area.

The video is impressive as well. I am one of the slow cyclists and lack the technique, but most of the time I manage to compensate by being stubborn.

PS: The snow in Frankfurt is already gone, but on the Feldberg it might be a different story. And if it has to be cold, I at least want some snow instead of muddy dark paths... I keep my fingers crossed for a white christmas in Kherson and Frankfurt. =)



Hi Богданов,
I am glad, that I even may be of use for someone. The next time you visit your daughter, spare some time to make a trip to the Taunus mountains west of Frankfurt. Depending on the area in Frankfurt you start, you may need less than an hour to get to the foot of the Mountain, most likely it is half an hour. There is also a train station with a direct connection (S4) to Frankfurts Main station (about 30 minutes as well). You may exit in the city called Kronberg, where also a professional bike shop is located (5 minutes from the station). It is not their main business, but they do rent bicycles. This is the starting point of one standard tour and a nice partly medieval city. Another recommendable route starts in "Oberursel Hohemark". I can give you some GPX Tracks if you are interested.
There are some locations often integrated into the Taunustrips. Most pass by the "Fuchstanz", which is are two small restaurants in the woods (30-60 Minutes from either Kronberg or the Hohemark). Then the next destination is the "Feldberg Plateau", the highest Landmark, also with some restaurants and also reachable by bus and car. Thus it is full of day trippers, cars and motorcycles. Because the two flow trails start in this area it is still worthwhile. If you are seeking to be in more deserted place, you can head from the "Fuchstanz" to the "Altkönig" (Old-King) which is the third highest landmark and only reachable on smaller paths. No flow trails originate here, but in this part of Germany it is allowed to cycle on minor paths as long as it is no wildlife sanctuary (there are some!) or no sign prohibits cycling. Both destinations (Plateau and Altkönig) are reached within less than an hour from the Fuchstanz (even 20 minutes are manageable).

If you are into cycling quietly, you may find the Feldberg to crowded. In that case, the Odenwald (Approximately 1-2 Hours in the slower trains) or the smaller foothills of the Taunus may be suited. North of Frankfurt road cyclists will enjoy the more rural suburbs.

For a short and relaxing trip, just follow the Rivers "Main" or "Nidda". The paths are in a quite good state and without major slopes. For a longer Trip you can go to the River "Rhein" and follow it downstream. The area is known for wine and castles and not far from Frankfurt.



Bernhard, please send your GPX tracks on the email velo.travel.2012@gmail.com



Богданов, I will send you the gpx tracks taken from the "Mountainbike Magazine" later.
I have some of my favourite tracks, but I need to export and edit them first, so it will take some time.



I received a letter with the tracks. Thank you.


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